Non-invasive localization of breast lesions for surgical planning

IGT group has participated in the development of a new technique based on medical imaging which makes it possible to non-invasively estimate the location of a tumour in the surgical position required for breast cancer surgery. Details here: Read the paper here: F. Alfano et al., “Breast Tumor Localization by Prone to Supine Landmark… Continue reading Non-invasive localization of breast lesions for surgical planning

Article selected as Editor’s Choice

Our article “Combining Augmented Reality and 3D Printing to Improve Surgical Workflows in Orthopedic Oncology” selected as Editor’s Choice in Sensors! Cited 12 times in just one year. Find the article here:

Encuentro UC3M-FENIN

Javier Pascau was invited to the round table on “Fighting Cancer: the importance of data” in the UC3M-FENIN meeting: Encuentro UC3M-FENIN A summary of the event was published in El Español