Alba González speaks with RNE (The National Spanish Radio Station) about Custom Implants and medical 3D printing

Our colleague Alba González has been invited to the radio station to speak about her project on Custom Implant Development and 3D printing with Chema García Langa, the presenter of “El Gallo que no cesa”, a radio program from the Spanish National Radio Station RNE. You can listen to the interview in here: The… Continue reading Alba González speaks with RNE (The National Spanish Radio Station) about Custom Implants and medical 3D printing

Introducing the first personalized virtual planning and navigation system for cranial deformities

Last Friday, the UC3M together with the Hospital Gregorio Marañón presented our virtual planning and navigation system for the surgical treatment of cranial and orbital deformities in children under 1 year of age who have craniosynostosis. A navigation system that will improve planning, precision, and personalisation of surgeries to correct craniosynostosis, and that has already… Continue reading Introducing the first personalized virtual planning and navigation system for cranial deformities

Alba González and Arrate Muñoz interview in “El Español” newspaper: “Towards a preventive and inclusive health: the challenges of innovation in medicine”

Our colleagues Alba González and Arrate Muñoz, director of the Department of Bioengineering and Aerospace Engineering at UC3M, together with other researchers from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and companies of the sector, have been recently discussing the new frontiers of innovation in medicine in “El Español” newspaper. They analyzed the emergence and the potential… Continue reading Alba González and Arrate Muñoz interview in “El Español” newspaper: “Towards a preventive and inclusive health: the challenges of innovation in medicine”