- L. Cubero, C. Tessier, J. Castelli, R. de Crevoisier, F. Jégoux, J. Pascau, O. Acosta. New Deep Learning-Based Approach for Dysphagia Assessment for Videofluorocopy Swallowing Studies. Poster presentation in ISBI 2024, May 27-31, Athens, Greece. 2024 IEEE 21th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2024), May 2024
- S. Carreras-Salinas, L. Cubero, C. Sosa-Marrero, R. de Crevoisier, O. Acosta, J. Pascau. Complete Uncertainty Estimation and Quantification In Automatic Prostate Cancer OAR Segmentation. ESTRO 2024, May 3-7, Glasgow, UK. Radiotherapy and Oncology, Vol 194, Sup 1, May 2024, S3113-S3115. [doi]
- L. Cubero, C. Tessier, J. Castelli, R. de Crevoisier, F. Jégoux, J. Pascau, O. Acosta. New DL approach for dysphagia analysis in videofluorocopy swallowing studies in HN cancer patients. ESTRO 2024, May 3-7, Glasgow, UK. Radiotherapy and Oncology, Vol 194, Sup 1, May 2024, S3135-S3137. [doi]
- L. Alborghetti, R. Castriconi, C. Sosa Marrero, A. Tudda, M.G. Ubeira-Gabellini, S. Broggi, J. Pascau, L. Cubero, C. Cozzarini, R. de Crevoisier, T. Rancati, O. Acosta, C. Fiorino. Specific dose optimization driven by late toxicity subregions in prostate cancer treatment plans. ESTRO 2024, May 3-7, Glasgow, UK. Radiotherapy and Oncology, Vol 194, Sup 1, May 2024, S3666-S3667. [doi]
- F. Herrero Quevedo, L. Cubero, O. Olivas-Vergara, E. Naredo Sánchez y J. Pascau. Aprendizaje auto-supervisado para mejorar el diagnóstico del síndrome de Sjögren con ultrasonografía. In XLI Congreso Annual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB), Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT), Cartagena, Murcia, Spain, November 22-24, 2023. [link to proccedings]
- C. Santos Mayo, L. Cubero, A. Aguada del Hoyo, S. Ochandiano y J. Pascau. Deep Learning-Based Generation of Synthetic CT from MR Images for Craniosynostosis Planning. In XLI Congreso Annual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB), Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT), Cartagena, Murcia, Spain, November 22-24, 2023. [link to proccedings]
- P. Guijarro Martínez, D. Sánchez García, L. Cubero, J. de León-Luis y J. Pascau. Automatic calculation of pelvis morphology from CT . In XLI Congreso Annual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB), Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT), Cartagena, Murcia, Spain, November 22-24, 2023. [link to proccedings]
- V. López González, A. Pose Díez de La Lastra, J. de León-Luis y J. Pascau. Augmented reality simulator for laparoscopic surgery on a realistic phantom. In XLI Congreso Annual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica (CASEIB), Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena (UPCT), Cartagena, Murcia, Spain, November 22-24, 2023. [link to proccedings]
- P. Bordón, R. Paz, M. Monzón, A. González, Y. Rivero, J. García-Montagut, J. Pascau, A. Pose Díez de la Lastra, C. Soriano-Ergui, J. De León-Luis, J. Ruiz-Alzola. Fabricación aditiva de fórceps mediante tecnología MEX con fibra de carbono continua para entrenamiento de parto con simulador virtual. In: XXIV Congreso Nacional de Ingeniería Mecánica (CNIM), Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Gran Canaria, Spain, October 25-27, 2023. [link to proccedings]
- A. Gonzalez Alvarez, J. Pascau. How 3D Printed Implants Help Patients Enjoy Longer and Better Lives. Invited Talk at TCT3Sixty Conference, 8th June, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
- A. Gonzalez Alvarez, R. Pérez-Mañanes, J. A. Calvo, J. Pascau. Are 3D printing companies manufacturing custom orthopaedic implants in a safe manner? 24th EFORT Annual Congress 24 to 26 May 2023, Vienna, Austria.
- A. Gonzalez Alvarez, J. Pascau. La Transformación Digital de la Cirugía mediante la Impresión 3D y los Implantes Personalizados. Invited Talk at the 43 Congress SEMCPT (Sociedad Española Medicina y Cirugía de Pie y Tobillo), 10 June, Burgos, Spain.
- A. Pose-Díez-de-la-Lastra, T. Ungi, D. Morton, G. Fichtinger, J. Pascau. Real-time open-source between Microsoft HoloLens 2 and 3D Slicer. In: CARS 2023 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 37th International Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Germany, June 20–23, 2023. Int J CARS 18 (Suppl 1), 1–123 (2023). [doi]
- L. Cubero, J. Castelli, R. de Crevoisier, O. Acosta, J. Pascau. Alternative DL segmentation approaches for clinical partially-labeled HN data: transformers or Unet? Poster discussion in ESTRO 2023, May 12-16, Vienna. Radiotherapy and Oncology, Vol 182, Sup 1, May 2023, S260-S261. [doi]
- L. Alborghetti, R. Castriconi, C. Sosa Marrero, A. Tudda, M.G. Ubeira-Gabellini, S. Broggi, J. Pascau, L. Cubero, C. Cozzarini, R. de Crevoisier, T. Rancati, O. Acosta, C. Fiorino. Late toxicity-associated patient-specific subregions in plan optimization for prostate cancer. Mini oral in ESTRO 2023, May 12-16, Vienna. Radiotherapy and Oncology, Vol 182, Sup 1, May 2023, S381-S382. [doi]
- L. Cubero, J. Serrano, J. Castelli, R. de Crevoisier, O. Acosta, J. Pascau. Exploring Uncertainty for Clinical Acceptability in Head and Neck Deep Learning-Based OAR Segmentation. Poster presentation in ISBI 2023, April 18-21, Cartagena de Indias. 2023 IEEE 20th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2023), April 2023 [doi]
- A. Gonzalez Alvarez, J. Pascau. Clinical and biomechanical considerations to develop a custom-made 3D printed Pelvic Reconstruction. Oral Presentation at the 34th Annual Meeting for the European Musculo-Skeletal Oncology Society , 19th Octuber 2022 London, United Kingdom.
- A. Gonzalez Alvarez, J. Pascau. Colaboración Ingeniero–Cirujano en el desarrollo de implantes personalizados de cadera. Invited talk at SECCA Congress (Sociedad Española de Cirugía de Cadera). 17 Junio 2022, Almería, España.
- F. von Haxthausen, R. Moreta-Martínez, A. Pose Díez-de-la-Lastra, J. Pascau, F.Ernst. UltrARsound: In-situ visualisation of live ultrasound images using HoloLens 2. In: CARS 2022 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 36th International Congress and Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan, June 7-11, 2022. Int J CARS 17, 1-147 (2022). [doi]
- A. Pose Díez de la Lastra, R. Moreta-Martínez, F. von Haxthausen, M. García-Sevilla, L. Hernández-Álvarez, J. A. Calvo-Haro, R. Pérez-Mañanes, J. Pascau. Analysis of tracking performance with two different HoloLens 2 augmented reality markers for orthopedic oncological surgeries. In: CARS 2022 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 36th International Congress and Exhibition, Tokio, Japan, , June 7–11, 2022. Int J CARS (2022) 17 (Suppl 1):S65–S66. [doi]
- L. García-Elcano, R. Moreta-Martinez, J. Pascau. Automatic Sacral Bone Segmentation for Needle Trajectory Definition in Sacral Nerve Stimulation using Deep Learning. NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference (GTC). March 2022. [Video]
- L. Cubero, A. Simon, J. Castelli, R. de Crevoiser, J. Serrano, O. Acosta, J. Pascau. Deep Learning-based Workflow to Speed Up Organ-at-Risk Segmentation in Head and Neck Radiotherapy. NVIDIA GPU Technology Conference (GTC). March 2022. [Video]
- L. García-Elcano, E. Mylona, O. Acosta, T. Lizée, K. Gnep, R. de Crevoisier, J. Pascau. Deep Learning-based segmentation of prostatic urethra on CT scans for treatment planning. Oral presentation in ESTRO 2022, May 6-10, Copenhaguen. Radiotherapy and Oncology, Vol 170, Sup1, May 2022, S686-S688. [doi]
- R. M. Meiriño, F. Calvo Manuel, J. Burguete, J. Serrano Andreu, J. Aristu, D. Azcona, M. Cambeiro, M. Vidorreta, J. Pascau, J. Miguel Delgado, A. Alonso. Analysis of vascular and circular blood in radiation treatment plannning: technological options. Poster in ESTRO 2022, May 6-10, Copenhaguen. Radiotherapy and Oncology, Vol 170, Sup 1, May 2022, S1670-S1671. [doi]
- L. Cubero, J. Serrano, F. A. Calvo, A. Simon, J. Castelli, R. de Crevoisier, O. Acosta, J. Pascau. DL-based OAR delineation for Head and Neck Radiotherapy: accuracy versus computational resources. Poster in ESTRO 2022, May 6-10, Copenhaguen. Radiotherapy and Oncology, Vol 170, Sup 1, May 2022, S1425-S1426. [doi]
- M. García-Sevilla, R. Moreta-Martínez, D. García-Mato, A. Pose-Díez-de-la-Lastra, R. Pérez-Mañanes, J. A. Calvo-Haro, J. Pascau. Augmented reality for improved PSI placement in pelvic tumour resections. In: CARS 2021 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 35th International Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Germany, June 21–25, 2021. Int J CARS 16, S54–S55 (2021). [doi]
- A. Pose Díez-de-la-Lastra, R. Moreta-Martínez, J. A. Calvo-Haro, L. Mediavilla-Santos, R. Pérez-Mañanes, J. Pascau. Combining augmented reality and 3D printing to improve orthopedic oncological surgeries. In: CARS 2021 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 35th International Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Germany, June 21–25, 2021. Int J CARS 16, S38–S39 (2021). [doi]
- R. Moreta-Martinez, M. García-Sevilla, D. García-Mato, A. Pose-Díez-de-la-Lastra, I. Rubio-Pérez, J. Pascau. Smartphone-based augmented reality system for needle insertion guidance in sacral nerve stimulation. In: CARS 2021 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 35th International Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Germany, June 21–25, 2021. Int J CARS 16, S103–S104 (2021). [doi]
- L. Cubero, E. Cabezas, A. Simon, J. Castelli, R. de Crevoisier, J. Serrano, O. Acosta, J. Pascau. Deep Learning-Based Segmentation of Head and Neck Organs on CT for Radiotherapy Treatment: Lessons Learned with Clinical Data. XXXIX Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica, Madrid, 25 y 26 de Noviembre de 2021. Libro de actas CASEIB 2021, 127-130.
- D. García-Mato, R. Moreta-Martinez, M. García-Sevilla, S. Ochandiano, R. García-Leal, R. Pérez-Mañanes, J. A. Calvo-Haro, J. I. Salmerón, J. Pascau. Augmented Reality Visualization for Craniosynostosis Surgery. 23rd International Conference on Medical Image Computing & Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Lima, Peru (2020).
- D. García-Mato, M. García-Sevilla, S. Ochandiano, R. Moreta-Martinez, J. V. Darriba-Allés, R. García-Leal, J. I. Salmerón, J. Pascau. Intraoperative Outcome Evaluation in Craniosynostosis Reconstruction Surgery using 3D Photography. In: CARS 2020 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 34th International Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Germany, June 23–27, 2020. Int J CARS 15, 87–88 (2020). [doi]
- R. Moreta-Martinez, D. García-Mato, M. García-Sevilla, S. Ochandiano, R. García-Leal, R. Pérez-Mañanes, J. A. Calvo-Haro, J. I. Salmerón, J. Pascau. Augmented reality for bone fragment positioning during craniosynostosis reconstruction surgery. In: CARS 2020 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 34th International Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Germany, June 23–27, 2020. Int J CARS 15, 184–185 (2020). [doi]
- M. García-Sevilla, D. García-Mato, R. Moreta-Martinez, S. Ochandiano, M. Tousidonis, C. Navarro-Cuéllar, J. Pascau. Surgical navigation for palate carcinoma resection using a non-invasive 3D-printed reference frame. In: CARS 2020 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 34th International Congress and Exhibition, Munich, Germany, June 23–27, 2020. Int J CARS 15, 135–136 (2020). [doi]
- A. Pose Díez-de-la-Lastra, R. Moreta-Martínez, J. A. Calvo-Haro, L. Mediavilla-Santos, R. Pérez-Mañanes, J. Pascau. ARHealth: App que combina Realidad Aumentada e Impresión 3D para Mejorar el Flujo Quirúrgico. XXXVIII Annual Congress of the Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB), Valladolid, Spain (virtual), November 25–27, ISBN: 978-84-09-25491-0, 365–368 (2020).
- L. García-Duarte Sáenz, D. García-Mato, S. Ochandiano, J. Pascau. Real-Time Workflow Detection using Video Streams in Craniosynostosis Surgery. XXXVIII Annual Congress of the Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB), Valladolid, Spain (virtual), November 25–27, ISBN: 978-84-09-25491-0, 384–385 (2020).
- R. Antúnez-Conde, E. Monteserín, S. Ochandiano, D. García-Mato, M. García-Sevilla, J. I. Salmerón. Uso de la Luz Estructurada para el Análisis Morfométrico en Cirugía Reconstructiva de Craneosinostosis. Sociedad Española de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial y de Cuello y Cabeza 2020, virtual (2020).
- D. Gascón Alonso, E. Monteserín, E. Bullejos, D. García-Mato, J. Pascau, S. Ochandiano. Sistema de Navegación In-House, Tecnología CAD-CAM, Luz Estructurada y Realidad Virtual Aplicada al Tratamiento de Craneosinostosis. Sociedad Española de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial y de Cuello y Cabeza, virtual (2020).
- D. García-Mato, M. García-Sevilla, S. Ochandiano, C. Navarro-Cuéllar, J. V. Darriba-Allés, R. García-Leal, J. Pascau. Morphometric Analysis in Craniosynostosis Reconstruction Surgery based on Structured Light Scanning. 18th meeting of the International Society of Craniofacial Surgery (ISCFS) 2019, Paris, France, August 2019. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open, 7(8S-2), 196 (2019).
- M. García-Sevilla, D. García-Mato, J. Calvo-Haro, R. Pérez-Mañanes, J. Pascau. Optimizing navigation with patient-specific 3D printed guides in pelvic tumor resection surgery. In: CARS 2019 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 33rd International Congress and Exhibition, Rennes, France, June 18–21, 2019. Int J CARS 14, 62–63 (2019). [doi]
- M. Concepción-Brito, R. Moreta-Martinez, J. Serrano, D. García-Mato, M. García-Sevilla, J. Pascau. Segmentation of Organs at Risk in Head and Neck Radiation Therapy with 3D Convolutional Networks. In: CARS 2019 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 33rd International Congress and Exhibition, Rennes, France, June 18–21, 2019. Int J CARS 14, 27–28 (2019). [doi] [UC3M Research Portal]
- D. García-Mato, M. García-Sevilla, S. Ochandiano, C. Navarro-Cuéllar, J. V. Darriba-Allés, R. García-Leal, J. Pascau. Structured Light Scanning for Morphometric Analysis in Craniosynostosis Reconstruction Surgery. In: CARS 2019 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 33rd International Congress and Exhibition, Rennes, France, June 18–21, 2019. Int J CARS 14, 40–41 (2019). [doi] [UC3M Research Portal]
- D. García-Mato, S. Ochandiano, S. Espías-Alonso, M. García-Sevilla, R. Moreta-Martinez, J. A. Calvo-Haro, R. Pérez-Mañanes, J. Pascau. Non-invasive computer-assisted dental implant surgery based on optical tracking and 3D printing. In: CARS 2019 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 33rd International Congress and Exhibition, Rennes, France, June 18–21, 2019. Int J CARS 14, 186–187 (2019). [doi] [UC3M Research Portal]
- S. Ochandiano, D. García-Mato, E. Bullejos, J. V. Darriba-Allés, R. García-Leal, J. Pascau, J. I. Salmerón. Intraoperative Navigation in Craniosynososis based on Virtual Surgical Planning and an “In-House” Technique. 18th meeting of the International Society of Craniofacial Surgery (ISCFS) 2019, Paris, France, , August 2019. Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery – Global Open, 7(8S-2), 176 (2019). [doi]
- E. Bullejos, S. Ochandiano D. García-Mato, M. Tousidonis, G. Arenas, J. I. Salmerón. Planificación Virtual y Navegación Intraoperatoria en el Tratamiento de la Craneosinostosis. Congreso Nacional de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial 2019, Sevilla, Spain (2019).
- S. Espías-Alonso, S. Ochandiano, D. García-Mato, J. Pascau, C. Navarro-Cuéllar, J. I. Salmerón. Empleo de Sistema de Realidad Aumentada en Craneosinostosis. Congreso Nacional de Cirugía Oral y Maxilofacial 2019, Sevilla, Spain (2019).
- F. Alfano, J. E. Ortuño, M. García-Sevilla, M. Herrero, O. Bueno, S. Lizarraga, A. Santos, J. Pascau, M. J. Ledesma-Carbayo. Prone to Supine Surface Based Registration Workflow for Breast Tumor Localization in Surgical Planning. In: 2019 IEEE 16th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2019), 1150-1153 (2019). [doi]
- R. Moreta-Martinez, D. García-Mato, M. García-Sevilla, R. Pérez-Mañanes, J. A. Calvo, J. Pascau. AR in computer-assisted interventions based on patient-specific 3D printed reference. Augmented Environments for Computer-Assisted Interventions Workshop, 21st International Conference on Medical Image Computing & Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Granada, Spain, September 16–20 (2018).
- M. García-Sevilla, J. De León-Luis, R. Moreta-Martínez, D. García-Mato, R. Pérez-Mañanes, J. A. Calvo-Haro, J. Pascau. Performance Evaluation to Improve Training in Forceps-Assisted Delivery. OR 2.0 Context-Aware Operating Theaters Workshop, 21st International Conference on Medical Image Computing & Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Granada, Spain, September 16–20, 2018. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11041, Springer, Charm (2018). [doi] [UC3M Research Portal]
- D. García-Mato, S. Ochandiano, M. Tousidonis, R. Moreta-Martínez, M. García-Sevilla, M. Desco, J. Pascau. Orbital Floor Reconstruction Workflow based on 3D Printing and Surgical Navigation. In: CARS 2018 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 32nd International Congress and Exhibition, Berlin, Germany, June 20–23, 2018. Int J CARS 13, 66–67 (2018). [doi] [UC3M Research Portal]
- D. García-Mato, M. S. Holden, A. Lasso, A. Szulewski, J. Pascau, G. Fichtinger. 3D Gaze Tracking for Skill Assessment in Ultrasound-Guided Needle Insertions. In: CARS 2018 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 32nd International Congress and Exhibition, Berlin, Germany, June 20–23, 2018. Int J CARS 13, 52–53 (2018). [doi] [UC3M Research Portal]
- M. I. Campo, J. Pascau and R. S. J. Estépar. Emphysema quantification on simulated X-rays through deep learning techniques. In: 2018 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2018), 273–276 (2018). [doi] [UC3M Research Portal]
- D. García-Mato, E. León-Román, M. García-Sevilla, P. Sanz-Ruiz, R. Pérez-Mañanes, J. A. Calvo, F. Forriol, M. Desco, J. Vaquero-Martín, J. Pascau. Knee Joint Goniometry using MARG low-cost sensors. In: CARS 2018 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 32nd International Congress and Exhibition, Berlin, Germany, June 20–23, 2018. Int J CARS 13, 10–11. (2018) [doi] [UC3M Research Portal]
- G. Arenas, D. García-Mato, M. Tousidonis, P. Montes, J. Pascau, S. Ochandiano. Open Source Navigation System and CAD-CAM Technology in Surgical Treatment of Craniosynostosis. European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Munich, Germany (2018).
- M. Tousidonis, D. García-Mato, G. Arenas, E. Bullejos, J. Pascau, S. Ochandiano. Orbital reconstruction workflow based on desktop 3D printing and open-source navigation system. European Association for Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery, Munich, Germany (2018).
- E. León-Román, P. Sanz-Ruiz, D. García-Mato, I. López-Torres, J. Pascau , J. Vaquero-Martín. ¿Es realmente perjudicial mayor grado de constricción en las prótesis de rodilla?: Estudio comparativo experimental en rodillas de cadáveres entre la prótesis CCK y bisagra rotatoria. 55 Congreso Nacional de la Sociedad Española de Cirugía Ortopédica y Traumatología, Valladolid, Spain, September 26–28 (2018).
- F. Alfano, F. Pérez, J. E. Ortuño, M. Herrero, O. Bueno, F. A. Calvo, S. Lizarraga, A. Santos, J. Pascau, M. J. Ledesma-Carbayo. Tumor localization using prone to supine surface based registration for breast cancer surgical planning. In: 2018 IEEE 15th International Symposium on Biomedical Imaging (ISBI 2018), 788–791 (2018). [doi] [UC3M Research Portal]
- V. García-Vázquez, G. Rodríguez-Lozano, R. Pérez-Mañanes, J.A. Calvo, R. Moreta-Martínez, J.M. Asencio, M. Desco, J. Pascau. Surgical navigation and 3D printing in hemipelvic osteotomy. In: CARS 2017 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 31th International Congress and Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, June 20–24, 2017. Int J CARS 12, 106–107 (2017). [doi] [UC3M Research Portal]
- R. Moreta-Martinez, J. Onieva-Onieva, J. Pascau, R. San Jose Estepar. Pectoralis muscle and subcutaneous adipose tissue segmentation on CT images based on convolutional networks. In: CARS 2017 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 31th International Congress and Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, June 20–24, 2017. Int J CARS 12, 31–32 (2017). [doi] [UC3M Research Portal]
- E. Marinetto, J. G. Victores, M. García-Sevilla, M. Muñoz, F. A. Calvo, C. Balaguer, M. Desco, J. Pascau. Docking guidance of a mobile accelerator using an optical tracker for IOERT procedures feasibility study. In: CARS 2017 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 31st International Congress and Exhibition Barcelona, Spain, June 20–24, 2017. Int J CARS 12, 39–41 (2017). [doi] [UC3M Research Portal]
- R. López-Velazco, D. García-Mato, G. Rodríguez-Lozano, M. García-Sevilla, E. Marinetto, D. García-Olmo, M. Desco, M. Ortega-López, J. Pascau. Image Guidance for Sacral Neuromodulation. In: CARS 2017 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 31st International Congress and Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, June 20–24, 2017. Int J CARS 12, 105–106 (2017). [doi] [UC3M Research Portal]
- M. García-Sevilla, R. López-Velasco, S. Lizarraga, M. Herrero-Conde, M. Desco, M. J. Ledesma-Carbayo, J. Pascau. Integration of a surface scanner with an electromagnetic tracker for breast cancer surgery guidance. In: CARS 2017 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 31st International Congress and Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, June 20–24, 2017. Int J CARS 12, 266–267 (2017). [doi] [UC3M Research Portal]
- D. García-Mato, A. Lasso, A. Szulewski, J. Pascau, G. Fichtinger. 3D Gaze Tracking based on Eye and Head Pose Tracking. 10th Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics, London, United Kingdom, June 2528, ISBN: 978-0-9563776-8-5, 87-88 (2017).
- D. García-Mato, A. Lasso, A. Szulewski, J. Pascau, G. Fichtinger. 3D Gaze Tracking based on Eye and Head Pose Tracking. Queen’s Graduate Computing Society Conference, Kingston, Canada (2017).
- P. Martin-Gonzalez, E. Gomez de Mariscal, M. E. Martino, P. M. Gordaliza, J. L. Carreras, F. A. Calvo, J. Pascau, M. Desco, A. Muñoz-Barrutia. PET Texture Analysis: Does it Have Clinical Significance in Locally Advanced Rectal Cancer? XXXV Annual Congress of the Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB), Bilbao, Spain, November 29–December 1, ISBN: 978-84-9082-797-0, 403–406 (2017). [UC3M Research Portal]
- F. Alfano, F. Pérez, J. E. Ortuño, M. Herrero, O. Bueno, F. A. Calvo, S. Lizarraga, A. Santos, J. Pascau, M. J. Ledesma-Carbayo. Prone to supine surface-based registration for surgical planning in breast cancer treatment. XXXV Annual Congress of the Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB), Bilbao, Spain, November 29–December 1, ISBN: 978-84-9082-797-0, 301–304 (2017). [UC3M Research Portal]
- D. García-Mato, E. Marinetto, R. López, M. García-Sevilla, M. Desco, J. Pascau. Cervical Range of Motion Measurement using MARG Low-Cost Sensors. Interactive Medical Image Computing (IMIC) Workshop, 19th International Conference on Medical Image Computing & Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI), Athens, Greece, October 17–21 (2016).
- V. García-Vázquez, G. Rodríguez-Lozano, R. Pérez-Mañanes, J. A. Calvo, D. García-Mato, M. Cuervo-Dehesa, M. Desco, J. Pascau, J. Vaquero. Desktop 3D Printing in medicine to improve surgical navigation in acral tumors. In: CARS 2016 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 30th International Congress and Exhibition, Heidelberg, Germany, June 21–25, 2016. Int J CARS 11, 262–286 (2016). [doi] [UC3M Research Portal]
- J. Calvo, R. Pérez, V. García-Vázquez, G. Rodríguez, L. Mediavilla, J. Pascau, M. Cuervo, M. Desco, J. vaquero. Desktop 3D printing in orthopaedic oncology. Is it possible to improve the surgical navigation in acral tumors? 37th SICOT Orthopaedic World Congress, Rome, Italy, September 8–10 (2016). [UC3M Research Portal]
- R. López-Velazco, D. García-Mato, G. Rodríguez-Lozano, M. García-Sevilla, E. Marinetto, D. García-Olmo, M. Desco, M. Ortega-López, J. Pascau. Navegación quirúrgica de la Neuromodulación de las Raíces Sacras. XXXIV Annual Congress of the Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB), Valencia, Spain, November 23–25, ISBN: 978-84-9048-531-6, 59–62 (2016). [UC3M Research Portal]
- A. Moreno, M. A. Iparraguirre, J. A. Lopez, M. Gomez, R. Perez, R. Moreta-Martinez, G. Parrilla, J. M. Asencio. Aplicación de la reconstrucción 3D y navegación en un procedimiento de cirugía pélvica extrema. In: XXXI Congreso Nacional de Cirugia 2016. Madrid, Spain (2016).
- M. García-Sevilla, R. López-Velazco, S. Lizarraga, M. Herrero-Conde, M. Desco, M. J. Ledesma-Carbayo, J. Pascau. Integración de escáner de superficie con un sistema de posicionamiento electromagnético para el guiado en cirugía de cáncer de mama. XXXIV Annual Congress of the Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB), Valencia, Spain, November 23–25, ISBN: 978-84-9048-531-6, 63–66 (2016). [UC3M Research Portal]
- E. Alvarado, M. Silios, I. Sierra, L. Guerrero, J. Pascau, F. A. Calvo. User evaluation of an IOERT dedicated online interactive scientific platform. 9th ISIORT Conference, Novara, Italy (2016). [UC3M Research Portal]
2015 – 2011
- D. García-Mato, E. Marinetto, L. Sanz-Díaz, M. Desco, J. Pascau. Calibration developments for multicamera optical tracking systems. XXXIII Annual Congress of the Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB), Madrid, Spain, November 4–6, ISBN: 978-84-608-3354-3, 414–417 (2015). [UC3M Research Portal]
- S. S. Goswami, J. E. Ortuño, G. Wollny, V. García-Vázquez, E. Marinetto, A. Santos, J. Pascau, M. J. Ledesma-Carbayo. A new workflow for image guided intraoperative radiotherapy using fluoroscopy based pose tracking. In: CARS 2015 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 29th International Congress and Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, June 24–27, 2015. Int J CARS 10, 201–203 (2015). [doi] [UC3M Research Portal]
- V. García-Vázquez, E. Marinetto, P.Guerra, M. F. Valdivieso, F. A. Calvo, E. Alvarado-Vásquez, J. A. Santos-Miranda, C. V. Sole, M. Desco, J. Pascau. Alternatives for intraoperative imaging in IOERT. In: CARS 2015 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 29th International Congress and Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain, June 24–27, 2015. Int J CARS 10, 38–39 (2015). [doi] [UC3M Research Portal]
- B. Sesé-Lucio, V. García-Vázquez, L. Sanz-Díaz, M. Desco, J. Pascau. Desarrollo de un sistema de escaneado 3D a partir de un dispositivo de holografía conoscópica. XXXIII Annual Congress of the Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB), Madrid, Spain, November 4–6, ISBN: 978-84-608-3354-3, 130–133 (2015). [UC3M Research Portal]
- M. Casquero-Veiga, J. Pascau, M. Desco, M. L. Soto-Montenegro. Estudio comparativo de núcleo Accumbens e hipotálamo lateral como dianas de estimulación cerebral profunda en el tratamiento de la obesidad. XXXIII Annual Congress of the Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB), Madrid, Spain, November 4–6, ISBN: 978-84-608-3354-3, 410–413 (2015). [UC3M Research Portal]
- A. García-Santos, C. de Molina, I. García, A. Martínez, J. Pascau, M. Desco, M. Abella. Setting up a C-arm for its use as a tomograph. XXXIII Annual Congress of the Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB), Madrid, Spain, November 4–6, ISBN: 978-84-608-3354-3, 134–137 (2015). [UC3M Research Portal]
- V. García-Vázquez, L. Cussó, J. Chamorro-Servent, I. Mirones, J. García-Castro, L. López-Sánchez, S. Peña-Zalbidea, P. Montesinos, C. Chavarrías, J. Pascau, M. Desco. Registration of Small-Animal SPECT/MRI Studies for Tracking Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells. In: Roa Romero L. (eds) XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013. IFMBE Proceedings, 41, Springer, Cham, 399–402 (2014). [doi] [UC3M Research Portal] [pdf]
- E. Marinetto, V. García-Vázquez, J. A. Santos-Miranda, F. Calvo, M. Valdivieso, C. Illana, M. Desco, J. Pascau. Optical Tracking System Integration into IORT Treatment Planning System. In: Roa Romero L. (eds) XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013. IFMBE Proceedings, 41, Springer, Cham, 37–40 (2014). [doi] [UC3M Research Portal] [pdf]
- E. Marinetto, I. Balsa-Lozano, J. Lansdown, J. A. Santos-Miranda, M. Valdivieso. M. Desco, J. Pascau. Semi-automatic Segmentation of Sacrum in Computer Tomography Studies for Intraoperative Radiation Therapy. In: Roa Romero L. (eds) XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013. IFMBE Proceedings, 41, Springer, Cham, 344–347 (2014). [doi] [UC3M Research Portal] [pdf]
- J. FPJ. Abascal , P. Montesinos, E. Marinetto, J. Pascau, J. J. Vaquero, M. Desco. A Prior-Based Image Variation (PRIVA) Approach Applied to Motion-Based Compressed Sensing Cardiac Cine MRI. In: Roa Romero L. (eds) XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013. IFMBE Proceedings, 41, Springer, Cham, 233–236 (2014). [doi] [UC3M Reseach Portal] [pdf]
- C. de Molina, J. Pascau, M. Desco, M. Abella M. Calibration of a C-arm X-Ray System for Its Use in Tomography. In: Roa Romero L. (eds) XIII Mediterranean Conference on Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 2013. IFMBE Proceedings, 41, Springer, Cham, 245–248 (2014). [doi] [UC3M Research Portal] [pdf]
- F. A. Calvo, E. Alvarado-Vásquez, M. Gomez-Espi, A. Alvarez, J. Serrano, J. A. Blanco, C. González, A. Calin, M. Muñoz, J. Araque, B. Salas, V. García, J. Pascau, M. A. Lozano. Concordance between pre- and post-procedure parameters using a virtual planning system in clinical practice: the use of radiance. 8th International ISIORT Conference, Cologne, Germany (2014). [UC3M Research Portal]
- V. García-Vázquez, E. Marinetto, F. A. Calvo, E. Alvarado, J. A. Santos-Miranda, M. Desco, J. Pascau. Evaluation of intraoperative imaging alternatives for IOERT. 8th International ISIORT Conference, Cologne, Germany (2014). [UC3M Research Portal]
- E. Marinetto, V. García-Vázquez, J. A. Santos-Miranda, F. A. Calvo, M. Desco, J. Pascau. Image-guided intraoperative electron irradiation: clinical set-up and feasibility. 8th International ISIORT Conference, Cologne, Germany (2014). [UC3M Research Portal]
- A. García-Santos, C. de Molina, I. Garcia, J. Pascau, M. Desco, M. Abella. Evaluation of the effect of angular calibration accuracy in a C-arm for its use in tomography. XXXII Annual Congress of the Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB), Barcelona, Spain, November 26–28, ISBN: 978-84-617-2446-8 (2014). [UC3M Research Portal]
- A. M. Olmo, M. Abella, V. García-Vázquez, J. Pascau, M. Desco, J. J. Vaquero. Herramienta de segmentación de pulmón y de granulomas tuberculosos en imágenes de TAC. XXXII Annual Congress of the Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB), Barcelona, Spain, November 26–28, ISBN: 978-84-617-2446-8 (2014). [UC3M Research Portal]
- E. Marinetto, V. García-Vázquez, J. A. Santos-Miranda, F. A. Calvo, L. Sanz-Díaz, C. V. Sole, M. Desco, J. Pascau. Radioterapia intraoperatoria guiada por imagen: entorno clínico y viabilidad. XXXII Annual Congress of the Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB), Barcelona, Spain, November 26–28, ISBN: 978-84-617-2446-8 (2014). [UC3M Research Portal]
- M. Paraíso, C. de Molina, J. Pascau, M. Desco, M. Abella. Evaluation of the effect of calibration accuracy in a C-arm for its use in tomography. XXX Annual Congress of the Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB), Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain, November 19–21, ISBN: 978-84-616-2147-7 (2012). [UC3M Research Portal]
- F. Alfaro-Almargo, Y. Alemán-Gómez, M. Mateos-Pérez, J. Janssen, J. Pascau, M. Desco. Plataforma cloud de procesamiento paralelo de neuroimagen usando virtualización. XXX Annual Congress of the Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB), Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain, November 19–21, ISBN: 978-84-616-2147-7 (2012). [UC3M Research Portal]
- N. Sánchez, E. Marinetto, M. Desco, J. Pascau. Segmentación automática de tejido cerebral en imagen preclínica. XXX Annual Congress of the Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB), Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain, November 19–21, ISBN: 978-84-616-2147-7 (2012). [UC3M Research Portal]
- J. M. Mateos-Pérez, C. García-Villalba, J. Pascau, M. Desco, J. J. Vaquero. jClustering, un entorno de código libre para ImageJ para el desarrollo de algoritmos de clustering aplicados a segmentación de imágenes médicas dinámicas. XXX Annual Congress of the Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB), Donostia-San Sebastián, Spain, November 19–21, ISBN: 978-84-616-2147-7 (2012). [UC3M Research Portal]
- V. García-Vázquez, E. Marinetto, J. A. Santos-Miranda, F. A. Calvo, L. A. Camacho, C. Illana, M. Desco, J. Pascau. Towards a real scenario in intra-operative electron radiation therapy. In: CARS 2015 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 26th International Congress and Exhibition, Pisa, Italy, June 27–30, (2012). [UC3M Research Portal]
- V. García-Vázquez, R. S. J. Estepar, R. R. Colen, J. Jayender, C. R. Walsh, M. Lapidus, J. Pascau, M. Desco, C.P. Raut, K. G. Vosburgh. Towards a real scenario in intra-operative electron radiation therapy. In: CARS 2015 – Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery Proceedings of the 26th International Congress and Exhibition, Pisa, Italy, June 27–30, (2012). [UC3M Research Portal]
- J. Pascau, J. Santos-Miranda, C. González San-Segundo, C. Illana, M. Valdivieso, V. García-Vazquez, E. Marinetto, F. Calvo, M. Desco. Intraoperative Imaging in IOERT Sarcoma Treatment: Initial Experience in two Clinical Cases. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 81(2), Supplement, S90 (2011). [doi] [UC3M Research Portal]
- D. Jimenez-Carretero, L. Fernandez-de-Manuel, J. Pascau, J. M. Tellado, E. Ramon, M. Desco, A. Santos, M. J. Ledesma-Carbayo. Algoritmo Level-set para segmentación hepática en TAC con Restricciones de curvatura local. XXIX Annual Congress of the Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB), Caceres, Spain, November 16–18, ISBN: 978-84-614-2693-4, 207–210(2011). [UC3M Research Portal]
- V. García-Vázquez, E. Marinetto, J. A. Santos-Miranda, F. A. Calvo, L. A. Camacho, M. Desco, J. Pascau. Estudio de la viabilidad de la integración de un Sistema de Posicionamiento Óptico en el entorno de la radioterapia intraoperatoria. XXIX Annual Congress of the Spanish Society of Biomedical Engineering (CASEIB), Caceres, Spain, November 16–18, ISBN: 978-84-614-2693-4, 307–310 (2011). [UC3M Research Portal]
- J. A. Santos-Miranda, J. Pascau, R. Hernanz de Lucas, M. J. Rot San Juan, et. al. Intraoperative Electron Radiation Therapy preplanning using radiance new features. The Need for Common Protocols Revisites. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 99(Supplement 1), S14 (2011). [doi] [UC3M Research Portal]
- D. Jimenez-Carretero, L. Fernandez-de-Manuel, J. Pascau, J. M. Tellado, E. Ramon, M. Desco, A. Santos, M. J. Ledesma-Carbayo. Optimal multiresolution 3D level-set method for liver segmentation incorporating local curvature constraints. In: 2011 Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, 3419–3422 (2011). [doi] [UC3M Research Portal]
- J.A. Santos Miranda, J. Pascau, M. D. Lardies, M. Desco, F. Calvo. Initial Clinical Experience of Pencil Beam Dose Modelling for Intraoperative Electron Radiation Therapy (IOERT). Radiotherapy and Oncology, 99(Supplement 1), S246 (2011). [doi]
- J. Pascau, J. A. Santos Miranda, C. González-San Segundo, F. Carlos, A. Ramos, R. M. Meirino, F. Calvo, M. Desco. Virtual Planning for IEORT: Radiance main features and Recent Improvements. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 99(Supplement 1), S15 (2011). [doi] [UC3M Research Portal]
- J. Pascau. Advance image processing: fusion, registration and segmentation. In: Workshop on Pulmonary Imaging Techniques, Madrid, Spain (2011). [UC3M Research Portal]
- M. L. Soto-Montenegro, J. Klein, J. Pascau, L. Günther, A. Kupsch, C. Winter, M. Desco. Effect of Anesthesia on deep brain stimulation in rats. In: XXVth International Symposium on cerebral Blood Flow, Methabolism and funtion & Xth International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET, Barcelona, Spain, 2011. ISCMBFM 2011 Conference Abstracts. 972–973 (2011). [UC3M Research Portal]
- J. D. Gispert, J. Pascau, U. Pietrzyk, C. Falcon, L. K. Hansen, M. Desco. Statistical Approaches to Medical Image Analysis. In: 2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, Valencia, Spain (2011). [UC3M Research Portal]
Research supported by projects PI122/00601, PI18/01625 and AC20/00102 (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer and European Regional Development Fund “Una manera de hacer Europa”), project PerPlanRT (ERA Permed), TED2021-129392B-I00 and TED2021-132200B-I00 (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and European Union “NextGenerationEU”/PRTR), EU Horizon 2020 research and innovation program Conex plus UC3M (grant agreement 801538) and IND2018/TIC-9753 (Comunidad de Madrid).