Tracking Systems
OptiTrack Duo optical tracking system (dual-camera): enables to position tools containing retroreflective markers (spheres/disks). It provides transformation matrix containing the position and the rotation of the tool.

NDI Polaris Spectra optical tracking system (dual-camera): enables to position tools containing retroreflective markers (spheres/disks). It provides transformation matrix containing the position and the rotation of the tool.

OptiTrack Flex 13 infrared camera (x8) – optical tracking system (multi-camera): enables to position tools containing retroreflective markers (spheres/disks). It provides transformation matrix containing the position and the rotation of the tool.

NDI Trakstar electromagnetic tracking system: enables to position tools with wired electromagnetic sensor attached to it. It provides transformation matrix containing the position and the rotation of the tool.

Phidget Spatial inertial sensor (x2): contains gyroscope, accelerometer and magnetometer. Enables the estimation of the rotation of an object. It provides transformation matrix containing the rotation of the tool.

Aruco marker tracking using web cam: enables tracking of Aruco markers using a video camera. The transformation matrix containing the position and the rotation of the Aruco markers can be obtained.

Video devices
Intel RealSense RGB-D camera: uses stereo vision to calculate depth. The D415 is a USB-powered depth camera and consists of a pair of depth sensors, RGB sensor, and infrared projector (

3D Printers
Ultrasound Imaging Devices
Telemed MicrUs scanner: a USB-powered pocket-size point of care ultrasound imaging system. It offers ultrasound screening in B, M, B/M, 4B modes together with Speckle Reduction Processing, Trapezoid and Spatial compound imaging.

Skull phantom: includes brain made of silicon containing tumor. This phantom was designed to practice brain tumor biopsies.

Breast phantom: designed to train users in various aspects of breast imaging and image-guided interventional procedures. The phantom accurately mimics the heterogeneous appearance of breast tissue under ultrasound, mammography and MRI, and has cystic and dense lesions embedded within the breast background. (

Intraoral navigation phantom: includes screws for fiducial registration, a tumor in the palate printed in a different color and a base that supports the attachment of optical, electromagnetic or AR markers.

Pelvic osteotomy phantom: hemipelvis with cones covering the whole surface. It includes a surgical guide (in blue) which adapts to the bone in the crest and to which we can add an AR marker or a rigid body for optical navigation.

Laparoscopy phantom: torso phantom with organs made of silicone and an abdominal skin with holes for the insertion of laparoscopy instruments.

Tibia with tumor: tibia with tumor and surgical guide for AR marker.

Pelvic sarcoma phantom: pelvis with a large tumor. Right pelvis, femur and sacrum included.

Sacral neurostimulation phantom: phantom with 3D printed sacrum bone and soft tissue.

Tools for surgical navigation
Biopsy needle


Rigid Bodies

Handpiece tool for intraoral navigation

Electromagnetic pointer

Ultrasound probe electromagnetic sensor holder

AR 2D and 3D printed markers

Computing resources
- Nvidia Titan X GPU Workstation
- Nvidia Titan V GPU Workstation