IOERT Treatment Planning
Our research in Dosimetry Planning for Intraoperative Electron Radiation Therapy (IOERT) started with a collaboration with Dr. Felipe Calvo at Hospital G. U. Gregorio Marañón in Madrid more than 20 years ago. We developed a prototype for Treatment Planning in IOERT that was later transferred to a company (GMV), obtaining CE and FDA approval (radiance®). This tool allows estimating the dose distribution in IOERT on a patient CT scan.

IOERT Navigation
To obtain the actual position of the IOERT applicator during surgery, our group developed several multi-camera optical tracking solutions. We were able to install the necessary hardware in a operating room at Hospital G. Marañón, evaluating the system accuracy, stability and positioning error.

We evaluated the system on a pilot study including several IOERT cases where the application position was visualized in real time on two surgical displays.
Dose estimation from intraoperative CT
To update the dose estimation during IOERT treatment, it would be necessary to acquire an intraoperative CT image. We evaluated several intraoperative CT alternatives (O-arm, BodyTom and TrueBeam) on several phantoms, comparing the dose estimation with a reference imagen obtained in a CT simulator.

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