Last Friday, the UC3M together with the Hospital Gregorio Marañón presented our virtual planning and navigation system for the surgical treatment of cranial and orbital deformities in children under 1 year of age who have craniosynostosis. A navigation system that will improve planning, precision, and personalisation of surgeries to correct craniosynostosis, and that has already… Continue reading Introducing the first personalized virtual planning and navigation system for cranial deformities
Tag: JPascau
New paper! “Effectiveness of Automatic Planning of Fronto-orbital Advancement for the Surgical Correction of Metopic Craniosynostosis”
Check out our new paper “Effectiveness of Automatic Planning of Fronto-orbital Advancement for the Surgical Correction of Metopic Craniosynostosis”, an excellent collaboration between the BiiG-IGT-, the Children’s National Hospital in Washington, DC, and Hospital Gregorio Marañón in Madrid. Enjoy the read!
Our paper on “Real-Time Tool Detection for Workflow Identification in Open Cranial Vault Remodeling” has been published!
Our paper on “Real-Time Tool Detection for Workflow Identification in Open Cranial Vault Remodeling” is now published in the Entropy journal!
The PerPlanRT held its Kick-off Meeting on 10th May 2021
The PerPlanRT project held its kick-off meeting on the 10th of May 2021, which was conducted virtually due to the pandemic COVID-19. This online meeting brought together all partners to give a general review about the objectives of the project and the workplan. Each partner explained their details of their participations in the project and… Continue reading The PerPlanRT held its Kick-off Meeting on 10th May 2021