Alba Gonzalez has been awarded the prestigious TCT Women in 3D Printing Innovator Award 2023 for her career developing medical devices with the use of Additive Manufacturing. This award recognises women who are at the pinnacle of their profession, leading the charge in developing, enhancing and innovating within the 3D printing and additive manufacturing world.
Alba became the winner after having been shortlisted as a finalist among 70 women applicants from around the world.
The award ceremony was held on the 7th June 2023 in Birmingham (United Kingdom) to celebrate the very best innovations and applications of the technologies globally.
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To read more about the award, check the following news!
InnovaSpain Magazine: Alba González Álvarez, referente global de la impresión 3D
Diario Siglo XXI: La investigadora de la UC3M Alba González gana el TCT WI3DP Innovator, que premia a mujeres innovadoras en impresión 3D