An exciting week for the IGT Group at CARS 2021!

Our group has spent a great time discussing new visions on the future of medicine at CARS 2021 congress. Mónica, Alicia, David and Rafa have made a great job presenting their research results at the scientific session from ISCAS. Mónica García Sevilla presented her work on Augmented reality for improved PSI placement in pelvic tumor… Continue reading An exciting week for the IGT Group at CARS 2021!

Alba González and Arrate Muñoz interview in “El Español” newspaper: “Towards a preventive and inclusive health: the challenges of innovation in medicine”

Our colleagues Alba González and Arrate Muñoz, director of the Department of Bioengineering and Aerospace Engineering at UC3M, together with other researchers from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and companies of the sector, have been recently discussing the new frontiers of innovation in medicine in “El Español” newspaper. They analyzed the emergence and the potential… Continue reading Alba González and Arrate Muñoz interview in “El Español” newspaper: “Towards a preventive and inclusive health: the challenges of innovation in medicine”

The PerPlanRT held its Kick-off Meeting on 10th May 2021

The PerPlanRT project held its kick-off meeting on the 10th of May 2021, which was conducted virtually due to the pandemic COVID-19. This online meeting brought together all partners to give a general review about the objectives of the project and the workplan. Each partner explained their details of their participations in the project and… Continue reading The PerPlanRT held its Kick-off Meeting on 10th May 2021

Congratulations David García Mato on successfully defending your PhD Thesis!

We are happy to announce that yesterday, our PhD student David García Mato successfully defended his dissertation entitled “Optimization of craniosynostosis surgery: virtual planning, intraoperative 3D photography, and surgical navigation”, with ‘Doctorado Internacional’ distinction. The doctoral thesis was supervised by Javier Pascau and it was done in collaboration with Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón (Madrid,… Continue reading Congratulations David García Mato on successfully defending your PhD Thesis!

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We are the Image Guided Therapy Group at Universidad Carlos III de Madrid.

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