The IGT group participated giving a hands-on tutorial and two talks. The tutorial, called AI-based image segmentation and labeling with free open source software, 3D Slicer, was organized by Mónica García Sevilla (from our IGT group) and Rebecca Hisey (from Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada). Alicia Pose Díez de la Lastra, also from our IGT group, was an instructor during the event.
Tag: MGSevilla
The IGT group, in NAMIC Project Week
One more time, the IGT group participates in the NAMIC Project Week! The Project Week is a week-long hackathon of hands on activity in which medical image computing researchers create solutions using the open source image computing platform, 3D Slicer, and VTK, ITK, CMake, and CDash libraries as well as OHIF, Cornerstone, dcmjs, vtkjs, itkjs, DICOMweb, Girder and related web technologies. Participants work collaboratively on solutions that lie on… Continue reading The IGT group, in NAMIC Project Week
Our new paper out today: “HoloLens 1 vs. HoloLens 2: Improvements in the New Model for Orthopedic Oncological Interventions”
Our paper on “HoloLens 1 vs. HoloLens 2: Improvements in the New Model for Orthopedic Oncological Interventions” is now published in Sensors Journal! In it, we compare the ergonomics, usability, and AR projection accuracy of both HoloLens devices. Our goal was to determine the improvements of the newest model in this clinical context. Take a look at… Continue reading Our new paper out today: “HoloLens 1 vs. HoloLens 2: Improvements in the New Model for Orthopedic Oncological Interventions”
Our new paper out today: “Augmented Reality as a Tool to Guide PSI Placement in Pelvic Tumor Resections”
Our paper on “Augmented Reality as a Tool to Guide PSI Placement in Pelvic Tumor Resections” is now published in Sensors Journal!
Introducing the first personalized virtual planning and navigation system for cranial deformities
Last Friday, the UC3M together with the Hospital Gregorio Marañón presented our virtual planning and navigation system for the surgical treatment of cranial and orbital deformities in children under 1 year of age who have craniosynostosis. A navigation system that will improve planning, precision, and personalisation of surgeries to correct craniosynostosis, and that has already… Continue reading Introducing the first personalized virtual planning and navigation system for cranial deformities
Our paper “Combining Surgical Navigation and 3D Printing for Less Invasive Pelvic Tumor Resections” has been published!
Our paper on “Combining Surgical Navigation and 3D Printing for Less Invasive Pelvic Tumor Resections” is now published in IEEE Access! Check it out to read about how using 3D-printed patient-specific instruments (PSIs) and navigation allow improving these surgical procedures.
An exciting week for the IGT Group at CARS 2021!
Our group has spent a great time discussing new visions on the future of medicine at CARS 2021 congress. Mónica, Alicia, David and Rafa have made a great job presenting their research results at the scientific session from ISCAS. Mónica García Sevilla presented her work on Augmented reality for improved PSI placement in pelvic tumor… Continue reading An exciting week for the IGT Group at CARS 2021!