Our new paper out today: “HoloLens 1 vs. HoloLens 2: Improvements in the New Model for Orthopedic Oncological Interventions”

Our paper on “HoloLens 1 vs. HoloLens 2: Improvements in the New Model for Orthopedic Oncological Interventions” is now published in Sensors Journal! In it, we compare the ergonomics, usability, and AR projection accuracy of both HoloLens devices. Our goal was to determine the improvements of the newest model in this clinical context. Take a look at… Continue reading Our new paper out today: “HoloLens 1 vs. HoloLens 2: Improvements in the New Model for Orthopedic Oncological Interventions”

Alliance 4 Universities Award

Alicia Pose Díez de la Lastra has received an Alliance 4 Universities award under the Erasmus+ International Credit Mobility program to carry out mobility at University of Cape Town (Cape Town, South Afrika) in May 2022. During this period, she gave lectures on Medical Imaging and Augmented Reality to undergrad and graduate students. Moreover, she… Continue reading Alliance 4 Universities Award

Best Project Award in MARSS 2021

Our team won the Best Project Award in the Medical Augmented Reality Summer School celebrated in 2021 by Balgrist Universitätsklinik, Universität Zürich, and Technische Universität München. On it, they presented an analysis of the HoloLens 2’s tracking performance with two different augmented reality markers to improve orthopedic oncological surgeries. Congratulations!